Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Teheran, Iran.
Became the capital of Persia in 1788.

Now the football is coming. Will President Ahmadinejad visit Germany?

Ahmadinejad Nuclear Peace Says Offer Deal Israel Security Bomb
Progress Discussions Progress Discussions Progress Discussions
Incentives Right Oil Trust Missile Uranium Programm Ambition

People say: President Ahmadinejad does not wash enough.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

isfahan, iran.

politics is the public actions of private passions.

wise preacher said today:

60% chances of a strike against Iran in next 18 months.

all driven by fear and passion.

Monday, May 22, 2006

in the mouth a desert.
qatari desert.

women can drive in Qatar. They can dress in public mostly as they please.

bars only in posh hotels, crowded with expatriates.

they say: Much of the country consists of a low, barren plain, covered with sand. To the southeast lies the Khor al Adaid or 'Inland Sea', an area of rolling sand dunes surrounding an inlet of the Gulf.

can you really treat it like an oil-well?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

doha, qatar.

kingdom of gas and al jazeera.

lots of motorbikes and american 4x4s.

people go nuts with football.

no alcohol allowed but yes you can.

loads of sand as well.

they say: Qatar has the most heavily skewed sex ratio in the world, with 1.88 males per female.

no good.